If you ask a question how to get a credit card with no annual fee you are on the right track.Credit cards with no annual fee is very easy to obtain nowadays. To attract new customers nearly all credit card offering companies use to offer 0% interest rate credit cards with no annual fee. Getting the credit card with 0% interest rate actually can lighten your burden of paying the unmanageable debt. Because if you save the interest paid on the debt alone you will be left with the significant amount in hand.
So if you want to sign up for the credit card with no annual fee here are some features you should consider.
First and foremost thing you need to know regarding the No annual fee credit card is these cards provides 0% interest rate just as the introductory offer. However they are going to raise the interest when the introductory period gets expired. Apart from this when you make a bit delayed payment you will be charged even with the 10 to 20 percent of the interest rates. So once you fail to pay up you can never enjoy the 0% interest rate again.
If you miss to pay significant amount of balance even at the last date of introductory period there are many chances for you to get end up with some unexpected payable amount. So it is suggested to set the budget limit on this credit card. Try to figure out how much you can actually pay back. It is better to pay off more than the required minimum amount.
But when you pay off every month all your credit at a single payment on the due date, this habit will help you in keeping the minimum interest rate even after your introductory period gets over. Paying the balance at full every month is good but when can’t make such payment try to keep only the minimum allowed balance in your account. When you bring this habit into a practice you will not end up with some unmanageable high interest rate again.
If you manage to use the no annual fee credit card with caution and practiced yourself with the reduced spending habits, to be frank these no annual fee credit cards will be beneficial to you. if you can’t cut down your spending limits and can’t make the full payment every month then these Credit cards with no annual fee will be a worst option for you.
As an alternative you should find the credit card with the very low APR. So before choosing the credit card try to know yourself like what kind of spending habit you have and your capacity to pay off the debt every month so that you can prevent your fingers from getting burnt with the fire.
Hope now you have got an idea on How to get a credit card with no annual fee. Here are some suggestions for you. These all banks are providing the zero percentage interest rate with no annual fee.You can use for the extensive usage.
· HSBC Credit Card
- Iberia Bank Visa Classic
- Bankwest Zero Platinum MasterCard
- Woolworths Everyday Money Card
- American Express Velocity Escape Card
- Citibank ReadyCredit
- American Express Qantas Discovery Card
- ANZ Platinum Credit Card
- Virgin No Annual Fee Credit Card
- St.George No Annual Fee